Mild piggy (extra gay)

19,00 49,00 

Handmade. Tested on my own skin. Extra gay

ingredients: paraffine, vaseline, hemp oil, bergamot and sandalwood essential oils, color, glitter

drops temperatures & body feeling scale: mild 55C – 58C

color: pink with black fine glitter visible while the wax is liquid

CHECK Safety & Production details!

All candles involve real fire—handle with care!

  • Regular orders: Up to 14 days
  • Custom orders: Up to 40 days
  • Each candle is handmade and unique.

Want to see your candle made live? Mention it in your order notes for advance notice.


I think Dunning–Kruger effect plays quite a dramatic role in the loud world of marketing. The more confident the artist can be on the webspace, the sooner the audience will notice them. The virtual streets of social media are noisy and busy today, and sometimes you need to know how to get attention, but sometimes you just have to get fucking loud. Otherwise, no one will notice.

Artists are so afraid of their audience’s reactions, that they just don’t get loud enough. I get it now. Because now I am finally that artist, and knowing the other side of the deal gives me a huge advantage. I’m still scared and have moments of insecurity that make me shiver. But the marketing strategist inside me knows the cold-blooded truth.

No one actually cares.

Until people have a connection with someone or something, they just don’t care. Or until they understand. Curiosity is a good connection point. So I keep assembling my own web castle and building bridges for curious explorers of my tiny empire.

“Mild Piggy” is the gayest creation of mine: black glitter and pink color make the shiny statement once the wax is liquid, mild melting temperature allows waxing faces and genitals. Also, it has bergamot, sandalwood, and hemp oils in it. 

Additional information

Sizes & shapes

large, small


mono, triple


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