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Waking up
(CW: alcohol addiction, strong personal opinion) For around 10 years, I lived in a limbo of anxiety and self-doubt. I understood that I was weird. I got that part. And I also understood that it wasn’t always a bad thing. But I still had no idea how to live with it. I moved to Berlin…
Waxy update or how dare I
(CW: marketing, strong personal opinion, suicide, war mentions) In the more than a year that the shop has been in existence, I’ve received enough complaints that the whole concept is simply disturbing, confusing and above all that the user has to wonder who is Oxxxymiron, or who is Marina Abramovich, or if they know both,…
Norway deal
(CW: suicide, police and drugs mentions) This post is the hardest I’ve written so far. However publishing it seemed even trickier. I’m glad I made it though. WHY at all? I’d like to be very clear with my agenda behind making this story public: So do I. This story is also a compromise with myself.…
After-hammer; Thoughts and Feelings
hope it went well The text below I sent to my lawyers in response to their “I hope everything went well” on my return from the outdoor performance that I call now the hammer message (that I went to deliver in person to the city of Prague’s police drugs department. Click here to read the…
when a hammer is just a hammer
CW: Police, suicide, activism, drugs Update. It’s 13:06 (25.07) I got back home and washed my feet, and now my plan is to briefly write down the things I want to share here and then I need to take some rest. I’m impressed. I knew it was the right thing to do, but I had…
Good news, everyone!
Your Mistress is still a criminal according to the local standards. Still, since the bureaucrats can’t really ruin my life due to my marriage with an EU citizen, I’ll only get a fine for bringing my dangerous “narcotics” to this safe county. I’m utterly exhausted emotionally, but I also feel like it wasn’t just happening…
Naked for Ukraine 13.03.2023
TW: nudity, war, capitalism Welcome to my punished Monday! I decided to show you my day today. As close as possible. You can watch me working on my website and waxplay project. Naked. All the tips collected today will go to helping Ukraine or in my case specific Ukrainians. But money is not the main…
The blue elephant in the yellow room
TW: politics, death, and war mentions! I think part of me would prefer the subject of this post not to be made public. It’s not a sexy story, but it’s as real as all the filth and wax that hasn’t yet been cleaned off my floor since last night. So I’m sorry, dear reader, but…
Nude yoga raw video
June’s reflection results cums in two posts. Here is the second one, social. This one is intimate. I’m giving you the view that only my husband could enjoy, and he said he very much enjoyed it, along with his morning coffee, back in my old flat in Berlin. So I suspect some of you might…
March raw reflection
(CW: nudity, self reflection from march 2022 written a year after) Let’s begin with the reflection session results this time. I started with taking pictures. I tried different angles, but the look from the bottom seems to be one of my favorites. Art Brut (Special Edition) by bogolepov In the process, I decided to spank…