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Waxy update or how dare I

(CW: marketing, strong personal opinion, suicide, war mentions)
In the more than a year that the shop has been in existence, I’ve received enough complaints that the whole concept is simply disturbing, confusing and above all that the user has to wonder who is Oxxxymiron, or who is Marina Abramovich, or if they know both, some are even more confused and annoyed that I’ve dared to name them in one place. Since this distracts them from the product, they leave the page before buying. What a shame.
We live in an age of reactions and post-reactions. People see what they want to see. I have to explain myself if I want my message to remain clear. So… If this project is close to your heart in any way and you need clarification, here it is. Please read carefully. Words underlined in rainbow are links.
Wax play store update
It was always and foremost an artistic project. The performance is still going on as this is being read. Making money with this shop was never the main objective. Although all the candles I produced sold out almost immediately, that’s the main reason why the shop is empty today: I don’t have the time.
So what’s the point of creating such a mess if I don’t even make money from it?
Because I could and felt obliged to do it. And that’s still the case today. No regrets. Only advantages. I still can make candles any time I need them, so I have the product for myself. I can always make some extra cash with it if I need to. I have amazing collaboration tool. I can go on and on, but here is the cherry on the top of my cake of reasons to do what I did.
Even if you find this page and this idea utterly disturbing and never buy my candles, all I need is for you to wonder about one of the names I’ve mentioned. The power of art will do the rest.
Technical part. How to get the candles
For now, the only way to get them soon is through Gene’s Mycelium, we have a unique batch that we made in Portugal this winter and we will be giving it away to the fan base first.
Please don’t send me offers based on making money from my ideas. If you need candles in large quantities and of any quality, I’m not your dealer either.
If you want to make your own candles or collab on this topic, email me, I need help and I can teach you.
For wax play performance requests, check out this article.
Ideological part
Now let’s get to the part where I try to explain the connection with the names. And trying is the key word here. Those who are not ready to understand will always find a reason to be offended or whatever.
Why Marina
If our planet had to choose the art ambassador to send to an assembly with other civilizations, I wouldn’t think of another candidate. If she says no, she will probably propose a suitable alternative. So we should ask her anyway.
Her work embodies the curiosity and honesty I’ve found hard to embrace in myself. She’s not afraid to do so many things that others can’t even imagine. She understands this world so much clearer and, what’s particularly important to me, she shares it with other people. She is one of the bravest and most selfless artists.
Check her lecture about Artist body. This is her institute.
Why Miron
If the Kremlin’s investigative committee wasn’t campaigning for him, I’d never have listened to his music. But I did and now I’m hooked. I listen to a few songs in the shower almost daily and it helps me deal with my anger.
This is the only artist i bought a ticket and went to a live show since pandemic. If you know me you should know how much it speaks for the artist.
I know all the lyrics aren’t accessible to English speakers, but if you want to try it, do. It’s hard to recommend where to start, but below are links to songs from different years that I listen to particularly often.
The last call (2010) is an officially extremist song about school shootings. Oida (2022) the re-assembling set in my store was inspired by this song. This one is fresh.
This whole mixtape I would recommend to play extra loud if you have some russian speaking neighbors. Solid character test.
How dare I
Because I want to live in a world where we’re not afraid to say: you inspired me to create! Where we treat each other first and foremost as human beings with feelings.
I understand how privileged I am to be able to simply allow myself to create a product that is not designed to be sold to all. I also understand the confusion. Even the attacks and demands.
I am grateful beyond words for all of it.
I wouldn’t be who I am today without the artists I mention on this site. If any of them ask me to remove their name, I will.
Please don’t take offense on their behalf though. Here’s an open letter to the creators and influences mentioned on this page or likely to be mentioned in the future.
Here is a gallery of photos from the candle making session in Portugal.