About me
  • Who owns the world?

    Who owns the world?

    Trigger warning: suicide thoughts mentioned. When I was a kid, I thought the world belongs to adults. At least adults behaved like it’s true: they could make their own decisions and had the authority to tell others what to do. I wanted to be one. Later I started thinking that the world belongs to men.…

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  • Social media statement

    The world of social media is way too fucked up to take it seriously. This website is my main resource and the best way to stay updated about new posts here is to send me a blank email to newsletter@sicut-dico.com All social media accounts are run by me and if you behave nicely I’m totally…

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  • Punished Mondays

    Punished Mondays

    Even though being an overachiever is a lot more socially acceptable than being an alcoholic, I can’t recommend that addiction either. Mondays used to be my most stressful days for at least a decade of my life. I could pile up one week of tasks in one day, and expected myself to be productive enough…

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  • open call for submissive individuals

    open call for submissive individuals

    Let’s get to know each other. This post might be a point of extra interest for all kinds of exhibitionists, but not only. I’m inviting subs, slaves, bottoms, pets, pain sluts, and princesses of all genders to join our projects: shows, film productions, and private experiences under my personal supervision. It’s important for us to…

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  • Meet Gene and come to our concert

    Meet Gene and come to our concert

    Gene is like a sibling to me, also a talented artist, passionate activist, and generally a very kind person. But I’m also their manager. Well. We use this word for people who respect the concept of artists being fully dependent on labels and streaming services. For everyone else, I’m Gene’s pimp. I’m simply helping them…

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  • day 1

    day 1

    My palms are sweaty and heartbeat elevates when I´m typing this text. This feeling of excitement and anticipation. I absolutely love it. I guess things could never happen in any other way. This post is about the real day One: when I´m kinda going to work and my job will be spanking everyone´s butts. How…

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  • As I say

    As I say

    First things first: this is a queer space where respect is a top priority, soplease be kind to each other and then feel free to be weird as well. There is no place for judgment. Now we get to another important topic. Which is – me, of course. What else could this blog even be…

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  • Gift option 1

    Sometimes I need to unwind after a long session. You can buy this gift for me by donating through PayPal. You can include a note if you wish to do so, no personal details will be shared with me. PayPal.Donation.Button({ env:’production’, hosted_button_id:’J76TPWGA8BLZ6′, image: { src:’https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif’, alt:’Donate with PayPal button’, title:’PayPal – The safer, easier way…

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