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Full moon orgies or How I cursed russian diplomats part 2
(CW: Nudity, Sex, Art & Activism: Fueling Creation, Supporting Community) Of course, the curse didn’t happen without orgies How could it? Sexual energy is what keeps me going even when everything else stops making sense. A good orgy is the most difficult ingredient in a well-crafted curse—not because of the magic itself, but because it…
Serpent song by bogolepov or How I Cursed Russian Diplomats – Part 1
(CW: Music video, politics, religion, activism) “Serpent Song” was originally part of Requiems of Tomorrow, a performance before Gene’s Berghain show in September 2024. In Berlin the embassy looked pretty dead, and it felt almost pointless, like fun for tourists, but in Prague, we sparked a kindergarten-level DDoS attack on our website—just enough to know…
There is no god to save them
(CW: political activism, strong personal opinion) The Requiems project was first performed in Berlin and later in Prague, featuring music created by Bogolepov. Our original idea was to address the “elephant in the room” before the show at Berghain: a stark reminder, first to ourselves, that the war in Ukraine is ongoing and that it’s…
requiems playlist
(CW: Playlist to eliminate homo sovieticus) Est valde difficile ad mundare sanguinem exaruitet magis credere in deo post non est deus salvet te Below are articles on previous events
Something You Won’t Find on Amazon
CW: (flea market announcement) The most important news: This Saturday, all day at Boxhagener str. 73, you can finally buy my handmade candles and other one-of-a-kind items — and every single cent will go to support Ukraine. If you’re an artist and would like to donate your work, you’re more than welcome! Please contact me…
Naked marketing
Surviving Capitalism with Art, Sex, and a Dash of Traffic (CW: politics, sex for sale, marketing, strong personal opinion) As Bogolepov performs at Kantine am Berghainon September 4th, we must address the elephant in the room. Born in Leningrad, she fled Russia after releasing Mother Russia in 2017.Given our stance against Putin’s aggressionin Ukraine, Mother…
WTF IS SD. S01. E02. Good Girl
(CW: addictions, politics, nudity, profanity, capitalism and war mentions. Watch your screen time, highly addictive content) The first episode contains 4 vertical videos, 2 text posts, 3 music tracks, and photo galleries with 30+ photos. Full showcase watching time is around 6 minutes. Scroll down for separate pieces and hidden messages. Reflection (text) posts with…
Sicut Dico by Vika Temnova
If I have to introduce myself on a dating app, I say I’m an adult content creator or a professional villain. When I want to appear “normal”, I introduce myself as an art manager, or an event producer, or simply as an artist. Very often, I say that I’m a former marketing strategist and project…
Clown’s re-election requiem
TW: politic Serpent Song (pre-mix demo) by bogolepov I’m posting this from a car on my way back to Prague. A video of me explaining what can be done with this image will follow.
25.02.2023. WTF people?
(CW: nudity, politics, art) This night was an immersive play in 4 acts and also a social experiment. The first two acts were unfortunately not documented due to organizational issues. But they remain in my memory and I’m sure also in the memories of those who were there that night. I had a lot of…