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February raw reflection
(Trigger warning: suicide and war topic) Long Awaited Silence Of Mind (坂本龍一に捧げる) by bogolepov February was a disaster month. The first half of it I was battling post-covid depression and weakness in my body, and just when I started climbing out of it, the war started. I wanted to die from that virus. I had…
January raw reflection
(CW: politics, nudity, strong personal opinion, long texts, intense and sensual music) bogolepov · Mother Russia (Beethoven Lost Symphony Remix) – Radio Edit January 2022 was full of unsexy shit. I went to Russia to see my mom and got Covid on the way back. It’s harder for me to feel sexy in a country…
Naked mirror selfie
I have tons of those pictures on my phone. Taking nude selfies appears to be good practice for me, it helps with my mood. Today I had a very unpleasant Monday with very unsexy business, and I’m not saying that nudes can fix that, but it’s a good distraction for me now. Plus I’ll use…
Atelier 01 (full photo gallery)
Now you know where to find me on Thursdays in Prague. Sil found this place on the internet. But one of my friends told me about it too. So we wrote them an email and met the management. And yesterday I finally met the audience! It felt like a very fast night, I had home-like…
Born weird
CW: longread, russia, strong personal opinion, (+ full gallery unedited Milk bath by Kay Hues) Deviant Comedy (Gender ID/2012) Limited Edition by bogolepov I was born in Siberia, in a town with 700 000 population, but so conservative that the word “bisexual” I learned somewhere in my twenties already in Saint-Petersburg. While living in my hometown,…
Who owns the world?
Trigger warning: suicide thoughts mentioned. When I was a kid, I thought the world belongs to adults. At least adults behaved like it’s true: they could make their own decisions and had the authority to tell others what to do. I wanted to be one. Later I started thinking that the world belongs to men.…
KitKat alien birthday – pictures & videos
This party definitely deserves a longer story. It was a private party with free entrance. Someone just bought the basement and us as entertainment. The first gallery and videos are mine. Below there is another gallery by Elad Itzkin Photography. Elad Itzkin Photography
sexy-couple (letzfetish-guests)
One of my first nights alone in Kitkat’s basement and this couple really made it cheesy hot! They were happy to have pictures and a session with me, and I felt like I did things right that night. I’m especially grateful for the permission to publish the very exact moments. It was a pleasure to…
First wax play workshop with Let´Z Fetish Academy at KitkatClub
Fascinating. I’m in love with the range of possible play scenarios. How is it that I never cared for candles before? Pictures and videos by xshamaya_photographyx