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My candle project intro is coming…
…but not as fast as I would want it to. Yesterday was a day of technical misery and frustration; I was too ambitious about my plans and didn’t think everything through. So the issue was, that from two cameras only one was recording 😞. We will try again next week to make a proper tutorial…
Thank You! (reflection update and Psycho Dark gallery)
June’s reflection brought me to not only publish that nude yoga video (June’s reflection part 1) for public observance but also to write this appreciation post, where I want to say a massive THANK YOU to the people who supported me with my exploration journey in 2022. First of all Thank you, Patrons! Without you…
Nude yoga raw video
June’s reflection results cums in two posts. Here is the second one, social. This one is intimate. I’m giving you the view that only my husband could enjoy, and he said he very much enjoyed it, along with his morning coffee, back in my old flat in Berlin. So I suspect some of you might…
March raw reflection
(CW: nudity, self reflection from march 2022 written a year after) Let’s begin with the reflection session results this time. I started with taking pictures. I tried different angles, but the look from the bottom seems to be one of my favorites. Art Brut (Special Edition) by bogolepov In the process, I decided to spank…
February raw reflection
(Trigger warning: suicide and war topic) Long Awaited Silence Of Mind (坂本龍一に捧げる) by bogolepov February was a disaster month. The first half of it I was battling post-covid depression and weakness in my body, and just when I started climbing out of it, the war started. I wanted to die from that virus. I had…
January raw reflection
(CW: politics, nudity, strong personal opinion, long texts, intense and sensual music) bogolepov · Mother Russia (Beethoven Lost Symphony Remix) – Radio Edit January 2022 was full of unsexy shit. I went to Russia to see my mom and got Covid on the way back. It’s harder for me to feel sexy in a country…
Dates announcement Dec / Jan
Update: posted in Prague Meetups on Fetlife I provide more info on social media closer to the event dates. Please mind the rules of the location and my own: don’t assume, ask. I’m open to collabs in Prague and Berlin, reach out with your ideas and available dates to December: 22.12.2022 Psychokitkatclub, Berlin, (Bible…
Atelier 01 (full photo gallery)
Now you know where to find me on Thursdays in Prague. Sil found this place on the internet. But one of my friends told me about it too. So we wrote them an email and met the management. And yesterday I finally met the audience! It felt like a very fast night, I had home-like…
team and friends
UPD 22.03.2023 I was postponing this post for a while because I wanted it to be perfect. But friendship is not about being perfect, it’s about staying in touch and helping each other to move forward. Same for teamwork. This post continues the “about me” storyline. I don’t function without people. And I decided to…
Born weird
CW: longread, russia, strong personal opinion, (+ full gallery unedited Milk bath by Kay Hues) Deviant Comedy (Gender ID/2012) Limited Edition by bogolepov I was born in Siberia, in a town with 700 000 population, but so conservative that the word “bisexual” I learned somewhere in my twenties already in Saint-Petersburg. While living in my hometown,…