WTF IS SD. Season 01. Episode 01

(CW: addictions, politics, nudity, profanity, capitalism and war mentions. Watch your screen time, highly addictive content)

The first episode contains 7 vertical videos, 2 text posts, 3 music tracks, and photo galleries with 50+ photos. Full showcase watching time is around 8 minutes. Scroll down for separate pieces and hidden messages.

Here are the text posts with music from Gene
Part 1. Hello

Welcome to the first episode – wtf is it all about and what is it for? Let’s find out together. This video was filmed almost accidentally while I was exploring a BDSM playground for long sessions and heavy scenarios. I am actually planning to come back there this year.

Part 2. How dominatrix made

Most of the Dommies are self-made, I assume. I actually found one podcast touching this topic. But already while publishing this. Should I share a link and invite her to collab? Here she is.

Part 3.01. The WHIP. Gene

Gene: “While looking for a photo of Sicut’s tits, I came across many photos in my camera roll before 2022 and SHE WEARS CLOTHES THERE!! After mid-2022 – not a single one where’s she’s dressed (well, except for fetish attire perhaps, hehe)”

Link to Gene’s BIO at

Part 3.02. The WHIP. Ilana

Ilana: “What is it about being an open and comfortable person that makes people open up to you? Is it good or does it feel like someone crossing boundaries because they make assumptions?”

Link to a BIO at

July: “Just another dick… Rather go and check my art”

Link to BIO at

Part 4. Money

A discussion of lifestyles. How do we explain our lifestyles to anyone who has  never experienced anything like this. Sicut is answering Ilana’s questions.

Part 5. Rules

All creators mentioned in the process will be contacted by us or are already aware of what is happening. Please don’t take offense on behalf of another artist. If they ask me to remove the mention, I will.

Episode co-creators: Gene, Ilana, July, Paw

to “FOLLOW” this project send any email to (empty email is ok, feedback is welcome too)

Any unauthorized use of my name, video, photos or audio in any form, now or in the future, is NOT permitted without my express written consent. Any act to promote or profit in any way (e.g., monetarily or socially) from the use of my name, video, photos or audio in any form in my profile is a violation of my privacy and may be subject to legal action

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