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My dear Patrons! (I’m not just talking about the current ones, but all those who have supported me financially throughout this year and who, for one reason or another, have stopped.) In the previous post about my disappointment with Patreon as a platform, I don’t intend to devalue the enormous support you’ve given me through it.
Money from my art
Today I withdrew €205.19 that I received via Patreon over the past year and I intend to transfer it to the artist who curates my candle shop. The amount of money is not really significant, but I think it is much more valuable to have the privilege of reinvesting that money in another artist. I thought you might want to celebrate with me. All of it.
€205.19 is what’s left after Patreon takes its commission and taxes. The original amount of pledges I got was €256,47 (- €2,38 pledges to other creators).
I feel like it’s important to share more statistics about this experience. I don’t consider it very successful, but I believe it played an essential role in my self-development process.
Here is the screenshot of the transactions without names or emails but with lifetime amounts of pledges and dates:

I basically had two rounds of patrons – people who already knew me when I just started my blog in March and people who got to know me later. (Between May and September I almost didn’t post and only in November-December this blog became more or less populated).
From 11 beautiful humans who supported me, I personally met and know only 6. Some people come and go, and some people stay with me from the beginning. I know that some of you don’t even read my posts and I totally get it. It’s not the point.
The point is to attempt to break the system that tells us to go and get “real jobs” instead of doing what we like with our lives and bodies. Those financial transactions are very symbolic for now. However, they helped me to see my own art as an income source. This cost so much more than just 200 bucks!
What’s next? (and one more round of gratitude)
I want to state very clearly. My gratitude belongs to the people who supported me, not to the platform that took 8% commission from us all. The platform didn’t help me to get a single patron. All the leads were generated by my own website and activity on other social media. So after this platform blocked my other project I’m kinda questioning if they should be involved in the transactions further.
I thank you all very sincerely for your support. Every person who has given me money online is automatically put on my thank-you list. Today I have 11 emails to which I am sending a password that you can save and use later for special treatments. I will never forget what you did for me.
If you continue supporting me on Patreon, you can always use it to send me DMs. Patrons also still have priority for custom candle orders and events.
If you are my Patron and read this – feel free to comment on this post or send me a direct message about the type of content you personally would like to see more of.
But as of this month, I stop producing unique content for Patreon since I don’t want to encourage new users to open accounts here because of my content.
I’m working on providing alternative ways to support me and will keep you informed. I hope you understand me.
One response to “€205.19”
[…] will be used to pay my bills and or support my team if I can handle the bills on my […]